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About Us

Transforming data into actionable insights

AnalytixInsight is publicly traded as: TSX-V: ALY

Corporate Presentation
CompaNy Overview

About AnalytixInsight

AnalytixInsight is a data analytics and enterprise software solutions provider to world-leading institutions across various industries. AnalytixInsight develops and markets cloud-based platforms providing financial content, stock trading, and research solutions for banks, brokers and investors in the financial services industry. AnalytixInsight holds a 49% interest in MarketWall, a developer of FinTech solutions for financial institutions.

Company & Product Factsheets









Capital Structure

Shares O/S: 97.2m

Options: 3.9m ($0.26 - $0.75)

Warrants: 7.6m ($0.70-$0.90)
6.6m of which are traded (TSX-V: ALY.WT).

Listing details here

Sedar Filings

All our publicly disclosed documents listed by date:

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Frequently asked questions

Reach out to our Investor Relations team at [email protected] if you have more questions

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Where is AnalytixInsight publicly listed?

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Where is AnalytixInsight headquartered?

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When is AnalytixInsight's financial year-end?

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What is the ownership structure of MarketWall?

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What is AnalytixInsight's most recent financing?

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Why aren't AnalytixInsight and MarketWall's revenues consolidated on your financial statements?

Abstract shape of two parallelograms Abstract shape of two parallelograms
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